Introduction to CMMC 2.0
On Tuesday, December 26, 2023, the Department of Defense (DoD) published the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Program Guidance to the Federal Register, designed to simplify cybersecurity guidelines to protect sensitive, unclassified information within the defense industry, specifically Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Federal Contract Information (FCI). Intent on safeguarding American ingenuity and national security information, the DoD developed the CMMC 2.0 Program, establishing requirements for a comprehensive and scalable assessment mechanism to mitigate cybersecurity risks further and streamline how the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) complies with and implements cybersecurity requirements.
Key Changes in CMMC 2.0
Building on the objective of verifying the protection of sensitive unclassified information shared between the DoD and its contractors and subcontractors, CMMC 2.0 introduces key changes designed to improve flexibility and adaptability without compromising the security of sensitive information when implementing program requirements, including:
- Streamlining the current CMMC 1.0 model from five (5) levels of compliance to three (3)
- Increasing accountability and reducing costs in how providers demonstrate compliance through self-assessments [for lower-risk contracts] or third-party assessors [for higher-risk contracts]
The publication of CMMC 2.0 begins a 60-day public comment period to conclude on February 26, 2024. MAD Security anticipates the DoD review of public comments to be complete in late 2024 or early 2025. The DoD will then develop a final Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in response to public comments, along with an effective date and any applicable compliance date. Following the NPRM, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will conduct its final review, followed by Congressional Review before formally publishing the rule.
Preparing for CMMC 2.0 Compliance
Achieving CMMC compliance is a comprehensive process typically requiring 12 to 18 months to implement successfully and significantly depends on various factors, including current cybersecurity posture, organization size, complexity of business operations, and resources. As the DoD continues through the Federal Rulemaking process to integrate CMMC 2.0 into contract requirements, this period offers the opportunity to fortify your cybersecurity posture and secure your place in the DoD supply chain.
As a leading Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), MAD Security is well-positioned to prepare your organization to achieve CMMC 2.0 compliance with confidence and precision. Our premier services include “The Completely MAD Security Process,” an established and systematic process designed to understand your unique business challenges while building a lasting, trusted partnership.
Contact us today to begin securing your place in the DoD supply chain.
About MAD Security, LLC
MAD Security, LLC, founded in 2010, is a veteran-owned cybersecurity provider dedicated to safeguarding business and simplifying the cybersecurity challenge by delivering compliance through cost-effective, results-driven solutions. Headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama, and recognized as a Top 250 MSSP by MSSP Alert, MAD Security delivers world-class, industry-leading managed services and technology solutions regularly to defense industry-based providers, including aviation and aerospace, government contractors, financial institutions, technology services providers, higher education institutions, and manufacturing to manage risk, meet compliance requirements, and reduce costs.